Oak babe had her 5th birthday yesterday, March 20, so I decided the best present would be to do what she loved - hiking.
oak as a little pup, first camping trip
2nd camping trip - San Rafael Swell
We headed out and we were going to go to the icy waterfall again but there were way too many people in the parking lot so we changed plans! We drove across the highway and went bush-whacking, looking to see if we could spot some deer. We found a trail on the way back that made things easier , but not quite as adventuresome ;)
*Do not go off-trail if you do not have the skills to do so, ALWAYS know where you are with map/gps and bring extra supplies in case you get lost!*
Track log
We bush-whacked on the southern (bottom) loop, and came down the trail on the northern (upper) loop
Elevation graph - steep!
Hike stats:
Distance: 4.8 miles total
Elevation start: 4856 ft
Elevation max: 6436 ft
Elevation gain: 1580 ft
We pulled off the highway across from Bridal Veil
Up the road
Up the steep road past the gate
Looking back down
Timp mountain
Came across some construction
We wanted to Monkey Wrench it, but decided that probably wasn't the best idea
Took a game trail
Diverted from the road trail here
Oak having the best birthday
Getting a better view
Happy 5 years Oak!!
Cascade & Johnson's bowl
Love this mountain
Ate some thistle - peel the fuzzy/spiky stuff off first ;)
Oak's birthday treat
Eating my favorite pita chips!
Chex mix treats
Bird's nest
Cascade with sunset light
These two silhouetted the ridge line and kept a close eye on us
Labels: cascade mountain, dog trails, hike, mount timpanogos, Utah

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