K9 Search and Rescue
Courtney and Oak have been with Rocky Mountain Rescue Dogs since December 2010 and became a certified Level II team in September 2012 and certified Level III specialized in Human Remains Detection (HRD) in September 2013. Oak is an almost 5 year old labradoodle, and has endless energy so search and rescue is the perfect fit for her. Courtney is a registered nurse at Primary Children's Hospital and is a certified NASAR Sartech ll.
Rocky Mountain Rescue Dogs, Inc. provides assistance in the following situations: wilderness searches, tracking/trailing, water recovery, avalanche searches, urban searches, human remains detection/cadaver searches, and disaster searches. Rocky Mountain Rescue Dogs, Inc. is on-call and available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.
Rocky Mountain Rescue Dog teams consist of a handler and his or her dog. Team members donate their time and resources training to meet rigid standards including: scent theory, search theory, canine obedience, canine agility, GPS/navigation skills, mountaineering skills, first aid skills, and physical fitness. Teams maintain a constant state of readiness, able to respond at any time, day or night, to an emergency. Teams are also able to work under most weather conditions.
Non Emergency Contact Information
E-mail rmrdinfo@gmail.com

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