I am part of a canine search and rescue team based in Utah - Rocky Mountain Rescue Dogs, and tonight was our monthly meeting. Two awesome things came out of the meeting for me personally - first one was awesome PR and the second slightly morbid but equally important.
First, Oak was spotlighted, along with another one of our awesome dogs Josie, in Companion Magazine,a local publication
First, Oak was spotlighted, along with another one of our awesome dogs Josie, in Companion Magazine,a local publication
So awesome!!
Now, for the second cool thing, one of our teammates has to have blood taken every couple months but it can't be donated for transfusions so we use it for cadaver training. It is important that we train with authentic human remains for cadaver work so dogs can help find the missing. This month was my lucky month to get the blood source!
Now I just need to go train on it! Oak smelled the container when I got home and knew immediately
that it was "FRED" (forensic recovery evidence detection- Oak's search word for cadaver work)

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