I texted my sister for a spur of the moment short hike up Dry Creek.
The trailhead for Dry Creek is located at the end of Grove Drive that runs past the rodeo grounds. The trail is confusing because there are many forks and you're not sure which one to take, even though most will meet up with each other...
The first fork you encounter is right at the parking lot
You can choose either way, they are about equal
distance-wise, but the left is more scenic.
distance-wise, but the left is more scenic.
The second fork is immediately after the first forks comes together, again you can take either way.
You'll see this sign if you go the right
Last fork is, again, after the previous forks come together
If you go to the left you will go down to the river and bridge, this trail will follow the river and if you go far enough you will get a beautiful VIEW of Horsetail Falls.
If you go to the right you will follow a wider trail that will go straight TO Horsetail Falls.
We went to the left to the river - and now some trail pictures:)
Brook and I
The awesome bridge
Oak remembered the bridge
from last time and just ran across
Moss on rocks
Gorgeous trees along the river.
Me and my pup
We just hiked up the trail about an hour before turning around, the weather and conditions were perfect for a short hike today :)

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